Jack and Jill is a folk-horror teen-romance. There are five different book covers to choose from. In a wonderful transatlantic creative relationship built entirely through Instagram during lockdown, I collaborated with Kasidy and Natalie who, as actors and mask-makers, are Barbaric Yawp Workshop.

They created masks for four of the main characters in the work – Jack, Jill, Merlin and Michael Mealy, and these are for sale here. It’s Natalie and Kasidy modelling on the book covers too, photographed by Leticia Valdez, whose work is rich and dark and gorgeous.

I have buried a Merlin mask somewhere in the UK. If you own all five Jack and Jill covers then you will be able to work out where …

Although the original Jack and Jill paperbacks have now sold out, you can find the work in my Selected Workings.


imagine the night when art began


Faery Fellers